About Me

- Mr.Lex
- Oxford, United Kingdom
- Friendly,Nice and...Hardworking...maybe???...(^_^)...Kekekekeke...
Thursday, 26 March 2009
Easter course!!!!
Thanks,and now Let's prepare stuffs for it!!!!
This is our big opportunity because of this Easter course....is FREE!!!!...Which we will have much bigger benefit comparing to other schools..and colleges in London...= =
So...don't waste it!
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Herlzberg motivation....=)))...Actual experience!
Today me and MR.Chris played 2 table tennis matches.Ye as again it was fun.!And my shots and smashes were accurate,strong,powerful and dangerous...hahahaha...(just jking)=)))....And then Mr.Chris praise me by clapping his hands and so on.And then I won the first game.According to the HErzberg motivation,by praising me I have to be better by...winning the next game faster or with more smashes.But I didn't....
well I thought :" Oh MR.Chris praising me.....and why he's so aggressive and looks so angry...(even though he was smiling...= =)....So maybe I have to lose this game and then praise him back...Otherwise I will get U in the next month in Business Studies"....And then I played worse...
So that I lost the next game....U see...SO praising is not always motivates people...It depends also on..how people motivate????...KEkekekekeke....
So remember when people are motivating by praising...but actually...in their minds....they have something evil!!!!...hahahahahahaha!
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Homework Num.4:Using a computer in business and impact on staff
Using a computer in a business....well there are lots of advantages and also...plenty of difficulties as well.
There are many ways to work at home and at the company on your computer. If you are searching you may even feel overwhelmed right now. The key is to find the best opportunity to use your computer to make money working at home and at the company.
There are lots of advantages when using a computer in a business.
- First of all,it's easy to work with and don't have to be motivated or encourage it to work more effective.
- Secondly it's fast and also accurate with details.
- Also there are a lot of extra advantages when using machines and computers such as designing or researching.
- Better to use computer and machines when there's a specific work and always the same,which is the difficulty for labourforce because it's easily to get bored!
- Less labour cost
And there's an arguement that using computers will demotivate employees,which is the biggest disadvantage.
So what are the disadvantages of using a computer in a business and how does it impact workers:
- Well,first of all it demotivates workers.According to the Vroom theory,which is the expectation theory,workers expect that they can't achieve that work so it will demotivate.The same situation here,workers that want to take resposiblities will expect that they couldn't be promoted to have more resposibilities because of too many machines and computers
- Another disadvantage is it will cost a lot when the computer or machine will be broken.It will cost on fixing and replacing.
- Or it may have mix of errors causing by viruses,which are very dangerous nowadays.
Homework Num.3: Evaluating EF's video!
King Henry II founded Britain's first university in 1167 as Britain's alternative to study in Paris. Today, students flock to Oxford to learn English while soaking up the academic atmosphere -- in fact one in five people in Oxford are students! Join your friends to explore the university's medieval quads and mysterious baroque chapels, or discover Oxford's hidden delights in the Ashmolean Museum. On a lazy day take a relaxing punt down the picturesque banks of Oxford's rivers and canals, or go shopping at the typical street fairs and local outdoor markets -- a thrifty student favorite!
Among Oxford's most famous colleges
Let EF Oxford welcome you to the world's number one student city, and you'll be surrounded by the university's most prestigious colleges and only 10 minutes from High Street, the town's main shopping road. In true academic style, EF offers you a purpose-built educational environment, complete with several iLabs, a cafeteria, and a study lounge. The school also offers expert exam preparation courses, including TOEFL, IELTS and a range of Cambridge ESOL Exams. When class is done for the day join your friends in the neighboring park for a friendly game of football."
WOW...What the cooooooool Advertisement by giving the information about Oxford and U'K's education..This is an EF's Oxford Advertisement by video and if you haven't watched it,better not to because you will be easily dragged into it!
First of all we can see,the speaker with a really attracted and nice voice talking about the luxury history of Oxford with many historic places and buildings.look through the video,the image of Oxford and the school is amazing and very very beautiful.A nice green hill with full of high trees and flowers,fresh environment and high technological projects which are all very attractive!
As you can see in the video starting with the whole view of the school and nice background with sits outside.It's not usual in every schools to have sits outside the green environment.This is one of the advantages of the school and also a strength in the video.Everybody are smiling and looks very hapy and friendly with many of nationalities and no...racism!
People around are always smiling and the music in the video is very suitable too.It's a good chosen audio to fit in the video,which is very positive.Around have beautiful girls and boys...which also the reason to drag people in!...=))
About the accommodation,the rooms are chosen and very comfortable as well.Which is not as real......~ ~....especially in the residence,it's not shown detailed how room is and also the size.Smart................!As you can see in the host family,the room is full of decorations and beautifull stuffs.
In conclusion.I think this is an amazing media advertisement ,which is may be one of the main components to make big profit to EF.I knew many students came here...because of the video and may be the reputation of EF as well.
So...we just know...we have been tricked and be dazzled....KEkekeke
Homework Num.2: TQM improve management and profit!
TQM is the shortage of Total Quality Management.This is a specific approach to quality assurance that aims to develop a quality culture throughout the firm.In TQM,organisations consist of "quality chains" in which each person or team treats the receiver of their work as of they were an external custumer and adopts a target of "right first time" (which means trying to make the products efficient at the first time producing) or "zero deffect" (which means,there's no problems with the product).
What are the advantages???:
- Costs are reduced because there is less wastage and re-working of faulty products as the product is checked at every stage.
- It can help improve worker motivation as workers have more ownership and recognition for their work.(Herzberg motivation)
- It can help break down "us and them" barriers between workers and managers as it eliminates the feeling of being checked up on .
- With all staff responsible for quality,this can help the firm gain marketing advantages arising from its consistent level of quality
Incredible Trip!
Proffessor Richard Chaler,University of business in Chicago was giving a talk about "nudge" or "behavioural economics".There was a little bit psychology and something was obvious but anyway it was interesting!!!
BUT!!!!!!!What a pity that you guys:Mary,Sairan,Mr and Mrs Diva didn't go to ...an extra lecture which was a very very very very funny talk!Just 3 Vietnamese continue the talk with Mr.Chris and all was so much fun!We laugh all the last hours until going to the school!Why guys,???You have to carry on the trip and it's a pity that you left before!!!!...HAHAHAHA....
A big Thanks for MR.Chris that gave us an opportunity to go to such an interesting and funny trip!(Especially the last hours )...lol!
And ye:
Long next time if you wanna pee in the bus's toilet,better to lock the door before you start to,otherwise,....you will bounce inside like today man!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA.....
YEs!!!!What a usefull trip it was!!!!!
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Podcast:World's cheapest car goes on sale!
People have to get used to low quality cars because of high unemployment and also low income of people.And also,if people will buy those products..it also may help recession to slow down!It will enable poorer citizens in developing countries to move to four wheels for the first time.The four-door five-seater car has a 33bhp, 624cc engine at the rear. It has no airbags, air conditioning, radio, or power steering.It may not be enough to revive Tata Motors - hit by debt and falling sales. The firm made a 2.63bn rupees loss for the October to December quarter.
What about the production issues?
It has also hit difficulty in its quest to refinance the remaining $2bn of its $3bn loan taken out to buy the Jaguar and Land Rover brands from Ford Motor in June.
The carmaker has been hit by the global downturn, which has knocked the spending power of the Indian economy and also made it harder for people to get loans to buy new cars.
This is the big chance for small company car brands to develop and grow because car consumers don't need expensive and luxury cars now.Maybe in consumers' mind,they just need a transport to move to go to work and cover them form rain and snow.
In addition, the launch has come six months late - it was due in October 2008 - following a row about where the car should be built.Tata pulled out of its factory in West Bengal in a row over land acquired from farmers, and instead moved production to the western state of Gujarat.The new factory will not be ready for another year and until then Tata is to make a reduced number of Nanos at its other Indian factories.Even if Tata can sell 250,000 models a year, it will add only 3% to the firm's revenues, says Vaishali Jajoo, auto analyst at Mumbai's Angel Broking.
And this is the manager's budget about the loss and profit of these new very cheap cars:That doesn't make a significant difference to the top line," he said. "And for the bottom line, it will take five to six years to break even."
So that means,even these new cheapest cars are not growing,it's still not a big loss to the company in the short term!
Friday, 20 March 2009
Thursday, 19 March 2009
For The Debate Topic!
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Evaluating:Log Home Building Classes!

Yes,my laptop is alrite now!So..come back to work!
Have you ever looked or dreamed about a beautiful and quite log house?You can make your dream comes true now.A new creative website designed for the people who are looking for the log homes,which are very meverie.You can learn now how to build an ideal log home by yourself,by your opinion,and by your own taste and for just a short period of time.The Log Home Builder's Association of North America provides 2-day classes on building log homes.These are very popular and demonstrate that building a log cabin on land in the right location or simply teaching or organising the teaching of classes with hired tutors can be very profitable.The main unique thing that they have is,they have a special 2-day classes,which takes you a very short time to learn and effectively.But also,it may cost a lot!
About the course,of course we can learn very fast by joining that course,but is it the most relevant kind,or fashion of that houses nowadays?It's relevant for old people who need quiet and pieaceful places to enjoy their life.But you can hardly get profit because quiet places are at countryside locations,which income is not high and the growth id also not increasing very much.So that,you can't charge high fees for that course,because maybe people that want to learn it are old people who are claiming for benefit.
Or people that are studying may be engineers,building instructors.And then after learning it,they also will apply in building homes.But is it relevant for countries which are growing by high technology equipment and technologies.?Cities that have high income level prefer stick-built homes.So there;s no demand for log homes in high growth cities.So that,there are difficulties in finding demand for log homes as well.
And also,warning about kit log homes.One of the biggest problems with "kit" log homes is the price -- most kit log homes are even more expensive than stick-built homes these days.But for just a moment, imagine that you have an unlimited budget and are planning to build or buy a log home. How would you know if it is any good?
Unfortunately most log home buyers wind up buying a log home kit from the salesman who tells the best lies, such as:
"We use a shrink to fit notching system that gets tighter with age"
"The log home you are buying is built in the Scandinavian Chinkless style" (when in fact almost all chinkless kit log homes are built with the vastly inferior Canadian Chinkless style)
"Our logs are peeled with draw knives because it gives them more character"
"Our logs are machine-peeled for better quality control"
"Our logs are run through a lathe to insure they are all the same size and they fit together better, so they will last longer"
But,there are many situations that people after learning that log build homes becoming reacher and get high profit from it.One man,gained 160000$ on one home building.One of their students built the home and immediately sold it for $160,000 profit. He says he could build two of these per year, and that it is so easy that "anyone can do it."This was the very first log home that he built after taking the class. It is just a simple, straight forward design. Easy to build, inexpensive to build, and very strong. The person who built this home acted as an 'owner-builder,' and for many reasons that made the process a lot easier and more profitable. It's inexpensive to build,but..expensive to buy.
But anyway I think this course and idea to hire tutors to learn how to build log homes is quite good and if we succeed in it and apply in the real life.We can make high profit.But in within the Economy situation such as credit crunch,it's not a good idea to use it!
Monday, 16 March 2009
....Keeeeeeeep going man!!!!
YEp yep...From now on!!!!STUDY STUDY STUDY STUDY AND STUDY BITC*!U always have to keep this phrase in your brain!It's one kind of motivation too...Lexy Sexy's motivation(response student's performances):
As I'm borrowing a laptop cos my laptop is broken and it is fixed!This will be my post today!
And I'm going to do handwriting work...
Exam results!
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Evaluate:Fred and Friends company business idea!
Here is one of their products:"EAR ring"
What was that???An earing???No it's a new business idea borrowing from the creative name!Haven’t you heard? There’s a fun new way to keep track of your
keys! Ear Rings are a simple, clever idea - a jewel-toned silicone
ear pierced with a heavy duty split ring. Four assorted colors, clear
peggable “clamshell” packaging.

Or this new business and lovely idea!Called shower mic.very funny ye?Everyone sounds like Pavarotti in the shower - that’s why the Shower
Mic is such a natural. Not only is it a useful sponge for washing up,
but it also has the uncanny ability to unleash your inner Sinatra. So,
don’t hold back – stand and deliver. Durable synthetic sponge material
with antimicrobial properties, peggable clear packaging.

Or this one...Kekekekekeke....So funny!
Here’s a chance for junior to play with his food and exercise his creativity at the same time! So bring on the mashed-potatoes and peas...the possibilities are endless! Food Face is mid-size and crafted from hotel-quality, food-safe, high-fire ceramics. It’s individually gift boxed with lots of inspirational (not to mention wacky) food art. Wouldn’t YOU have loved this when you were a kid?

I will stop blogging for 3 days because I have to fix my laptop and it will take 3 days!And then I will come back....So...see ya soon!!!!
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Sorry,we were hungry!=)
No pizzas,no sandwiches,no chocolate...No more choice!=))
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
BioKnob Home Biometric Door Lock

All of us know that otherwise the credit crunch is killing us slowly but the new technology is improving and improving!And there's a new business.maybe online business has been born,which is called "Tychi System",and one of their incredible product is "BioKnob Home Biometric Door Lock".
Replacing conventional locks and keys,the BioKnob can store the biometric identities pf up to 1000 users and can easily add and delete the data of temporary guests.It has an identical finger print.which can identify a guest with a finger printer.So that,even you allow a thief come to ur house,you still can identify him and then....got your wealth back!ISn't it a perfect safe?!
What advantages and differences this product has from other general lockers.Well it has mechanical door lock system with built-in scanned thermal imaging fingerprint verification system,enroll and erase users directly at the lock,built-in key pad and LCD display for easy operation,Converted fingerprints and pass-codes are stored by user's name ,100 users on standard model; more users possible -1000 users ,Can be set for Always Unlocked Mode which means it can be always opened,Fits all doors that normally accept door knobs with latches,Easy to install and operate,Choice of silver or gold color.
And also there are so many Strengths in this product:
- Can fet all doors
- Automatic door
- Can identify finger print
- Total safe for your house
- It can be broken
- The batteries may run out
Monday, 9 March 2009
Accomodation!!!! =.=
Yapeee my nice room!....
And ye,my roommate left for 3 days for travelling so I had such a good,quite and enjoyful time....until he came back:
Here are the pics,when I'm alone at home...and it's absolutely tidy..and clean...
Here's the place...where I'm studying until midnight to get grades A and also to get to the good universities.And this is the table .....for 2 persons...= =:

Ah ye I forgot....his shoes can fly.....= =

Yes...and this is my lovely room gays.....Now I'm going to update my and Papalonis website.....If anyone wants to come to visit our website..here!
Sunday, 8 March 2009
"Eco=Luxury" Laundry/Dry Cleaning

DO you have expensive and luxury clothes???You always have to wash by your hands very carefully ,and they are still dirty?Or you're afraid of EF's washing machine and drier can destroy ur clothes by one time washing?HEre's new business has been born:Slate NYC.I know it's not in Oxford but still it can be created in UK as well.This new company washes and cleans and dries the most luxuries and high quality clothes for well-heeled clients,and it's of course guaranteed their clothes will be as best as it could be.It's called an Ultimate Laundry Service.
ECO| SLATE NYC uses high quality environmentally-friendly cleaning processes for both dry cleaning and laundry. In addition to being safe for the environment , these processes are also safe for your skin and your clothes.
SLATE NYC has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Daily Candy and New York Magazine. They are the cleaner of choice for Soho House, Intermix NY Stores, and for the employees at a growing list of companies including UBS, and Morgan Stanley.
- Luxury Landry
- Guaranteed an absolute cleaning
- Don't have to wash by ourselves.
- Safe for skin and clothes
- High priced
- Not many shops
- Cost of production is high
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Demand Pull or Cost Push Inflation!
- Higher retail sales spending and consumer credit figures are announced:Demand Pull
- A fall in the value of the exchange rate causes an increase in the price of imported components for the UK motor car industry:Cost Push
- The number of people unemployed in the UK falls to a twenty five year low:Demand Pull( more demand, less unemployed) and Cost Push (less unemployment leads to increase in cost of wages)
- Oil prices increase as OPEC cuts it's supply: Cost Push
- Skills shortage in engineering industries lead to higher wages: Cost Push
- A wet summer raises the price of vegetables in the supermarkets: Cost Push
- A rise in the world price of copper used in the telecommunications industry: Cost Push
- The Government announce a rise in the standard rate of VAT from 17.5% to 20 %:Cost Push
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Wearable Airbag For Motorcyclists

The D-air system is a part of a specialised motorcycle jacket that deploys in 40 milliseconds,which is very very increadibly fast,when it senses that the rider is falling.Such technology seems likely to become mandatory for all motorcyclists to wear given the legal necessity of cars to have airbags since 1989 in the US.
D-air jacket is very very useful for extreme sports.As we all know,dangerous sports and activities need an extreme safe!So this jacket protect your body from breaking and tearing yourself.This become neccessary in the F1 sport,where motorcycles are riding with increadible speed and if unluckily the accident will happen this is the invention to trust.
The development of D-Air availed of qualified partners at the highest level that included the University of Padova with Professor Cossalter, preside of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and one of the world’s leading experts on two-wheeled vehicle dynamics, and the German 2D Company specialized in data collection/processing and development software. The Fiat Safety Center put Dainese in contact with the most evolved companies involved in air-bags for automobiles, also because the problems to he solved in the development of D-Air are particular and many. On one hand, there are laws and regulations to be respected, such as those governing the transport of explosive materials, for example, and the purely technical problems linked to the development of a new product, on the other.
One of the many technical problems is defining the slide in an innovative system in which the rider is not attached to the bike. Although impact force can be easily recorded, there are no equally significant values for deceleration. The combined rider/vehicle dynamics must be studied, the parameters must be identified, and the entire protection system must be centered on the rider
- Absolute safe
- High technological product
- Encouraging the confidence of a racer
- The high cost
- Weight a lot
- Can't protect a lot when the racer is sliding on the race track
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Quest Crew!
The new season of America's Best Dance Crew(the competition which JabbaWockeez were the champions) is coming and new amazing crews has been created.One of the which is very very outstanding is....:Quest Crew!
Now they are in the finale with a female crew called "Beat Freaks"...But Quest is just amazing.You can just watch one of their performances,and you will recognise it.This is the newest one...And you have to watch it!
Look at the first video,the last move was SICKest ever!...It's like in the movie!
And this is their best performance too!...Enjoy it!
Ah ye and also it's American Crew but one member of the crew called Hok,he represents OXFORD,ENGLAND...The place where we're living guys,but also Tokyo.
You can find out here:
It was a hard and serious topic,which 2 teams ware really close of winning...But...we're better.
Easter one week very cheap course!
In EF there will be an easter one week course in Maths subject which I found quite useful for EF students to improve their knowledge of Math.The course will be in EF school and the there will be another teacher whose guaranteed that have high graduated and have lots of experiences in teaching Maths.
*Details about the teacher: SHE studied in OXFORD UNIVERSITY and had many experiences in teaching edexcel A levels Maths(Now SHE has 4 students who are doing edexcel Maths).She's 21 years old,^^ and she's from Australia!
Why not to try this course?
- First of all,there will be another teacher,and guaranteed with high experiences in teaching Mathematics, so you will learn from both teachers,you will also earn the comparison and advantages of both teachers.
- Secondly,the place is too close and well known for us because it's in EF,and we will study with a friendly environment which we already knew!
- Thirdly,which is the most important thing is the price is TOOOOO LOW!Specially for EF students.AMAZING!
And the price of the course will be.......75 POUNDS PER PERSON(This is the expectation,because it doesn't count the cost of renting room yet,if the room will be free so the price will be 70 pounds and I'm waiting for the EF's permission of renting the room free.)!!!!!!!....WOW!!!!
And don't think that the price is low...so the quality is low.NO!This price is especially just for EF A-levels students!
Still think it's a high price.Ok I have researched many Easter courses in many school in Oxford and you will be surpriced of their prices.Comparing to one week course in other schools:
- Cherwell College:
Here's their website:http://www.cherwell-college.co.uk/Tuition/Easter/Charges.htm
2.Oxford International Study Centre:
350 pounds/week
3.Oxford Tutorial College:
830 pounds/ 3 weeks
4.Oxford Science and Maths tutors:
500 pounds!!!!
So as you can see the price of the Easter course is really competitive!
This is my idea and I'm running this course,all things are almost prepared,just ahve to wait for the permission of the rooms ....
and also the BONUS will be:if i will success in this idea with this course,I will invite people who are interested in studying Maths and join in this course to a huge dinner(Not BROWN'S restaurant!) to have friendly talk and fun after.
Who are interested in please comment here,I'm just asking who are interested in,it doesn't mean that you sign in here and u ahve to study ...NO!Because the price is not really certain.so you can change after all details are Certain!....
Monday, 2 March 2009
The correlation between Unemployment and Inflation!
What is it?
I just know he Phillips curve is a historical inverse relation between the rate of unemployment and the rate of inflation in an economy. Stated simply, the lower the unemployment in an economy, the higher the rate of increase in nominal wages in the economy.
As we know the Government using mostly Fiscal and Monetary policies to cure the problem in the economy.So how to reduce unemployment.It's simply understood that with Fiscal Policy the Government could reduce Tax to encourage Consumption expenditure and investment,which are the components of the aggregate demand.And also with the monetary policy,the Government will control the Bank to lower interest rate with the same aim is to encourage in increase in the conponents of the Aggregate Demand so the Aggregate demand curve will shift to the right.As in the diagram below:

But also it will cause the increase in the price level,which is called inflation.The Government Policies to reduce Unemployment leads to increase in Inflation.And opposite,reduce in Inflation may cause Unemployment.
And this is the Phillip's curve diagram:

But there's also a situation when there's high unemployment and high rate of inflation in an economy.It's called stagflation.It's against the rule says in the Phillip's curve.It seems to be impossible but it happened.
The stagflation happened when there was an increase in the price level of oil.SO inflation was increased.So the cost of the production will be higher.There fore,the businesses redundant and cut off the job of the workers which causes unemployment.So that,there will be less production and therefore there will be less output and services in an economy,because the aggregate supply curve will shift to the left,as shown on the diagram below:

As we see on the diagram,the price level increase so it means increase in the inflation and also the Real National Income has reduced which may cause unemployment to rise as well.
So this is all that I know about the correlation between unemployment and Inflation.