Hi everyone, it’s Noel. When you’re going over your Christmas present lists, make sure that you don’t forget your children’s teachers!
Teachers play such an important part in our lives, it’s only right that we acknowledge all that they do for us when it comes time to hand out Christmas presents.
Each year I give a Christmas present to my children’s teachers and I’m going to share some of my favorite Christmas present ideas with you.
Giving teacher an apple may be acceptable during the rest of the year but at Christmas it just won't do. What do you give the schoolmaster or mistress who's got enough woolly scarves and bath salts to last a lifetime?
"Christmas presents tend to go in cycles," says Diana Wynter, head of the Sacred Heart School at Swaffham, Norfolk. "There was one year when everyone gave photo frames. The next year it was chocolates, and then candles."
The unofficial getting-the-same-gift world record is held by the teacher in south-east London who received a Victoriana cat-in-a-basket ornament from six different pupils on the same day. Also in the festive hall of infamy are one psychedelic Wellington boot, a pillowcase, pasta brooch, pink knickers four sizes too large, three plastic reindeer joined by a chain and a casserole dish that, only days before, the teacher in question had donated to a charity shop.
But it's not just cheap tat that teachers dread. Websites such as www.homeroomteacher.com and www.gifts.com now offer parents the chance to express their gratitude through expensive, hand-engraved stainless steel bookmarks in the shape of an apple, or supposedly inspiring ornaments such as the £35 china eagle with a wingspan of more than a foot.
What's wrong, you may ask, with the good old traditional bottle of booze? Nothing, it seems, if it's the parent who's handing it over.
"Sending small children off to school clutching a bottle of Scotch isn't encouraged," says primary head Chris Davis of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers. "Mind you, it's not that good an idea to give a teenager a bottle of vodka to take on the bus, either."
Some schools make it clear that alcohol is not acceptable. "We used to have a blanket ban, but now we leave it up to the individual heads to decide whether to allow it or not," says a spokesman for Westminster Council. "Some do, some don't."
At St Paul's Boys' School in west London, they most definitely do -and with the parents' blessing.
"Mothers and fathers tell us that if we've had the trouble of teaching their son for the past 12 months, then the least they can do is ensure we end the year in a pleasant stupor," says head Martin Stephen. "As for the staff, if I tried to ban them from being given drink at Christmas I'd be lynched."
At some of the more prosperous private schools, parents club together to buy the form teacher one nice, big present rather than lots of little horrible ones. As a result, some members of staff leave on the last day of term clutching £200 worth of book tokens or spa vouchers rather than hand-knitted snowmen and bath gel.
Failing that, a nice box of chocolates or a plant will do. Polls regularly put these (plus drink) at the top of teachers' wish lists, though a survey this year (admittedly by the aid agency Unicef) found that what most teachers would like is for pupils to give (on their behalf) an "ethical" gift that would help people in the Third World.
"It's true," says Diana Wynter. "Ask my staff whether they'd rather get a box of Fortnum & Mason mince pies, or a village in India got mosquito nets, and I know what they'd choose."
Mind you, for true selflessness, it would be hard to beat Gordonstoun School's head of drama, Nigel Williams. "In my quest to motivate, engage and touch my students, I write each of my classes a card to show I know their names, care and am interested in them," he sighs. "I have even bought them sweets, chocolates and small gifts to reward them for enthusing or achieving. These days, receiving a card from a student is a rare thing. Showing teachers a sign of affection is not cool."
It's not just teachers of teenagers who miss out on gifts, either, it's head teachers. "Unless you're in the front line, teaching classes all the time, you tend not to receive presents at Christmas," says Pat Langham, head of Wakefield Girls' High School. "That said, I've made it known that I love owls, and as a result I have a huge collection of them, each bearing the name of the girl who gave it to me."
Of course, the other source of gifts for heads is the "Secret Santa" system adopted by many staff rooms, whereby you must anonymously give a random colleague a gift with a maximum value of £5.
"I know a deputy head who got a pair of plastic guns and a cowboy hat saying 'Deputy' and he was absolutely delighted," says Chris Davis. "Mind you, sometimes the gifts can be a bit pointed. One member of staff who was always late was given an alarm clock. Another who was always taking days off sick got a bottle of vitamins."
However, the most moving gifts received by teachers are those that have involved time and thought on the child's part.
"I was always very touched when I was given a present by children whom I had thought were shy, or not particularly enjoying my lessons," says ex-teacher David Almond, the author of Skellig and Clay. "I always felt the simpler the present, the better."
Former West Country teacher Marie Postles, who now runs a company supplying mail-order art parties, has no doubts about her best-ever Christmas present.
"A little seven-year-old girl was worried I might be lonely and need company over Christmas," she recalls. "So on the last day of term, she gave me a snail
In my country....Teachers are like our parents...We really respect teachers and it will be really really really rude if we don't respect it!That's why...teachers are such important for us....Without teachers....No knowledge.
Here's an example of a koooool teacher......Whose...I don know....maybe popping in the class...Kekekekeke....Joking!!!!..........."CHRIStmas"..<---What's wrong there????...Kekekeke....

There's a special day for teachers in my country 20th of November!Many teachers LOVE teaching so much,just because of their hobby,cause they like teaching....and the clearest example is Mr.Chris.I know he likes teaching very much......So this is a PERFECT IDEA to make our teachers happy.....(Or make better reports...Kekekekekeekekeke)....And this is the website that u can visit:
really usefulThere u can get idea about presents for teachers....ANd it's really hard to choose a present!I think this is the student's problem!!!...So that...this idea is for us....!!!
So what about the website. First of all,all websites have a good images.They decorated so good.Very colourful and creative.That is the most important thing.And the next thing is, is it easy to use or not???It's easy to use,and easy to read.All things and presents are clear.What about downloading pictures and other stuffs.As usual it depends on The Internet connection but the website lines as well.But these websites are fast I think.....