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Thursday 8 January 2009

The amazing Car Blog by Alborz Fallah!

I have listened to a podcast in the website that In Mr.Chris's blog!
And here it is:

It's about an amazing and lucky blogger,just a blogger,and now...he becomes a millionare!A speaker was Alborz Fallah friend,and also his teacher.After talking about Alborz succeed and how did he work in first steps to be a millionare,Alborz talks too!
So what I have learnt from this text: everyone can succeed and be a good business man,just need to concentrate on your hobby and your interest,and then keep developing it!
How about Alborz succeed and his experiences:

His blog, is here is one of the top blogs in all of Australia in any category and competes right along with some of the biggest media companies in the world for the car enthusiast market in the land down under.His blog gets phenomenal traffic, brings in hundreds of thousands of dollars in advertising revenue each year and Alborz has traveled to Europe to drive some of the most prestigious sports cars ever created. His blog became a true business and Alborz has to be one of the luckiest people in the world, living out a passion every single day and earning big money along the way.

And this is firstly what he did to made his business:he created three blogs at once to see which one would stick. The car blog got the traffic so he dropped the other two and slowly built up his site off the back of his own content.It's a really good experiences for researching and choosing for the bussiness that is fitted and usefull.

I also came to his blog,and it's amazingly so good!It's all about cars and advices and comments about styles of the cars and talk about it for customers to improve their knowledge.And also,he earn money from advertising too which is not a small amount!
His earnings was 10$ per day,the 100$ per day,then 30 000$ per month and then valued 5 million dollars!!!

And all just start up from a BLOG like us,and with an interest and hobby!

Here’s some of the important points from the podcast :

  • You can start a blog and choose top level categories in very competitive markets, if you niche it down based on geographical location.
  • When you don’t know what topic to blog about, pick what you think might work and just put something out there and see what happens.
  • You can build a significant blog based only on part time labor, if you are dedicated and get things done during the time you have available to work on the project.
  • Sometimes, being controversial can do wonderful things for your traffic. Strong opinions will always stick out and grab attention.
  • Think BIG with your blog, it doesn’t have to be just a small publication - consider taking things to the next level with the help of financial investors.
So these are tips to make a business by a blog...A really usefull podcast to listen...But I didn't listen all.because it's nearly an hour,...and it's too late...!
And again,here's a podcast:


chris sivewright said...

I hope his blog will fill you with enthusiasm. It also gives you real life experience which may well be useful for A2.

chris sivewright said...

essential reading
